Frequently Asked Questions

  • General user questions
  • Password reset

    In case you have forgotten your HedgeData password you can reset it under by clicking on “Forgotten Password?”.

  • How can I add new users from my organization?

    In order to add a new user from your organization in HedgeData platform you can invite him/her to register by sending out HedgeData invitation.

    1. Go to ‘Invitations/Send New Invite’ available on the navigation panel,
    2. Enter contact details of the person you would like to invite and press the button ‘Send’,
    3. Monitor status of your HedgeData invitations under ‘Invitations/Sent Invites’ view.
  • Compliance questions
  • What is the purpose of HedgeData?

    The platform is for information purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation or offer, or recommendation to acquire or dispose of any investment or to engage in any other transaction, or advice of any nature whatsoever. Furthermore, the aim of our service is to allow for the fund managers, investors and service providers to connect and exchange information electronically in confidential manner. Information collected by HedgePole on behalf of its clients is on disclosed basis only, which means that the owner of the data (i.e. fund manager) has to always provide his or her consent for the receiving party to gain access to the data.

  • What is the target clientele of HedgeData?

    HedgeData is available and accessible for:

    • Qualified investors and their consultants,
    • Fund Managers and their fund service providers,
    • Academic institutions and other business entities who require hedge funds market data for research purposes.

    However, none of the parties will be given access to any fund data unless approved by the fund manager or the fund administrator.

  • Is access to HedgeData closed or open?

    HedgeData is a closed online platform and accessible only upon the registered user’s verification by HedgePole and data access consent provided by the fund manager respectively fund administrator.

  • Must HedgeData registered users qualify as professional investors?

    Yes, all investors must qualify as professional/accredited investors in order to access the platform. In general HedgeData platform is available only to registered users who accepted HedgeData Terms & Conditions, including:

    • Qualified investors as specified in the registration process,
    • Fund Managers and their service providers,
    • Other business entities approved by HedgePole (e.g. academic institutions).
  • Is there specific screening process for new HedgeData users?

    Yes, each user in the registration process must provide his/her credentials which are then verified by HedgePole before respective user account is approved and access to HedgeData granted.

  • Is data access restricted based upon user location and the respective fund's marketing permissions?

    HedgeData platform with its unique technology forms the most innovative concept for alternative funds data marketplace leaving the fund managers in full control of who can access which data on their funds.

    This means, that all data requestors in the registration process must provide their credentials incl. their domicile which are then disclosed to fund managers before access to fund data is granted.

  • HedgeData Legal Documents